I am a senior scientist who manages research and designs data-driven techniques for visual understanding, in particular for our planet: AI for Earth, for short. I am currently with DG Connect at the European Commission. Previously, I have been with the Image-Vision-Learning team at ONERA and the Φ-lab at ESA/ESRIN.

My work is at the crossroads of statistics, machine learning, image processing, computer vision, and now quantum computing. I am interested in tackling practical problems that arise in Earth observation, to bring solutions to current environment and population challenges. For current works, check the resources on learning beyond labels or my latest publications.

I am a seasoned speaker in events related to AI, Earth observation, or Quantum Computing (talk list) as well as organiser of workshops and events (including the CVPR Earth Vision worskhop series (e.g. CVPR’2024/EarthVision’24 workshop), NeurIPS workshops on Weather Forecast or AI for Disaster Response, ESA / ECMWF workshops on Machine Learning for Earth System Observation and Prediction (#1, #2). I was an associate editor of the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (GRSL) and guest editor of several special issues in IEEE journals.

Full bio / Short professional bio.
