Uni, Institut d'Optique Graduate School, 2020

(with François Goudail, Stéphane Herbin, Adrien Chan Hon Tong, Alexandre Boulch.).

2020 Material

Description in the IOGS Course Panel - SynapseS

Note: Colab notebooks can be saved in your own environment using the “Copy to drive” item in the “File” menu.

14/01SHIntroduction to Machine Learningcourse #1
20/01BLSDecision trees, random forests and boostingCourse #2ipynb / colab / smile ref data for Olivetti faces / ipynb results / colab results
21/01ACHTNeural Networkscourse #3
27/01SHSupport Vector Machinescourse #4
28/01BLSDimensionality reduction and clusteringCourse #5ipynb / colab / colab results
03/02ACHTDeep LearningCourse #6
10/02SHExam (PCA ipynb / html )mini-project starts: cell segmentation / adversarial attacks / dehazing (see below)
11/02SHRegressionCourse #8mini-project
18/02ACHTDeep learning applicationsCourse #10mini-project
25/02BLSGenerative Networks and Auto-encodersCourse #9mini-project ends

Dehazing mini project

The Dehazing mini project span over 4 exercise sessions. It is based on the NTIRE 2020 challenge on Non homogeneous dehazing. The goal is to dehaze some images, i.e. removing haze, fog, mist and other smoke.

On the codalab page of the challenge, one can register and get access to the data. Data consists of a training set of 45 pairs of hazy and clean images, and a validation set of 5 hazy images.

We provide jupyter notebooks:

Prepared numpy arrays can be downloaded: Train data / Train GT / Validation data. Please copy data locally, or put them in your own drive for use on Colab.

2019 Material

Description in the IOGS Course Panel - SynapseS

Colab notebook can be saved in you own environment using the “Copy to drive” item in the “File” menu.

SHIntroduction to Machine Learningcourse #1
SHSupport Vector Machinescourse #2
BLSDecision trees, random forests and boostingCourse #3ipynb / colab / smile ref data for Olivetti faces / ipynb results / colab results
ABNeural Networkscourse #4
BLSDimensionality reduction and clusteringCourse #5ipynb / colab / colab results
ABDeep LearningCourse #6
SHExammini-project starts
SHRegressionCourse #8mini-project
BLSGenerative Networks and Auto-encodersCourse #9mini-project: data-loaders available
ABRecurrent Neural NetworksCourse #10mini-project ends